Changing the Icon Blogger

Postings today we discussed about how to change blogger icon with your own picture or photo icon in addressbar like my blog is beautiful,, hehe,, first you must first create one image or edit an existing image to a size 24 x 24 pixels up to 32 x 32 pixels, then please upload images in, why should upload there? because to get the code image URL we are, still confused, yes, yes already follow these steps aja ya,,....

A. Select the image you want to enter the size that I mentioned above
2. Please upload the picture, if you have not registered please register here on
3.The login please upload the pictures on the Upload File & Video menu select button choose the file
4.After finished uploading your images will appear and take your picture URL code
5.For insert into your blog Dasboard please return to your blogger, please go to the menu Layout-> Edit HTML> Expand Widget do not forget to click on and then find the following code

6. After that place the following code before the code above

please change the 'location of the picture' with the URL of the image you'd get on

7.Kemudian Save Settings, Finish

Please refer to your blog if the icon has changed to your image.


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